Articles & News

BYOD Considerations

Making a Decision on BYOD


With many teams forced to adapt to remote ways of working, so too have the IT teams that defend networks and company data from outside attack – a task made difficult due to the radical speed in which businesses were…

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WhatsApp New Terms and Conditions

WhatsApp – what do the new changes mean?


WhatsApp has been on a long journey since its conception by founders Jan Kaoum and Brian Acton back in 2008. In the original version, all users could do was update their status bars to be seen by those in their…

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IT Predictions 2021

IT Predictions for 2021


You can’t argue that 2020 has been an active and busy year for the cyber community. If we are to cast ourselves back to this time last year, with IT and cybersecurity leaders casting their predictions for 2020, it is…

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2020 Cyber Incidents

12 Big Cyber Incidents of 2020


It’s no secret that 2020 has brought more than its fair share of troubling events. From the offset, the first half of the year saw a 35% increase in cyberattack volume, compared to the final half of 2019. So far…

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Black Friday Cyber Safe Digest

The Black Friday Digest – How to stay safe online this shopping weekend


This Friday marks the beginning of the year’s biggest shopping weekend. In 2019, 142.2 million people shopped online in the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. With COVID causing national lockdown, shoppers are expected to avoid purchasing in-store, with 66%…

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Cyber Attack - The recovery

Cybersecurity Survival Series – Part III: Recovery


Don’t Panic! Following a breach incident, it’s important to take a breath and align your disaster recovery plan. Don’t begin rectifying straight away – your impulse will be to protect the endpoints targeted by the breach, or revert to previous…

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Cyberattack Survival Series Part 2

Cyberattack Survival Series: Part II – Attack


Your response to a cyberattack will naturally depend largely on the nature of attack. Depending on if your organisation has been hit with ransomware, or has fallen prey to a phishing scam, there are a number of key factors that…

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Cyber Attack Mitigation

Cyberattack Survival: Part 1 – Mitigate


The first part in our Cyberattack Survival series will detail some of the best ways to ensure your organisation mitigates its chances of being attacked in the first place, and will provide a bit more context around why these reasons…

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Serbus attend AWE 2020

Serbus attend AWE 2020


Despite restrictions resulting from COVID, Serbus was delighted to be able to make a break from the office to attend AWE20 last Wednesday. Throughout the whole experience we were inspired; in particular from the beginning where event organisers went the…

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Privileged Access Management (PAM)

The Dangers of Privileged Access


Nearly 80% of all data breaches are the result of compromised privileged credentials. Of the IT leaders that formed that group of respondents, 74% admitted that it was as a result of privileged access credential abuse. It’s no secret that…

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